Assiniboine Park Washrooms
Client | Peter Sampson Architecture Studio + Gardon Construction
Location | Winnipeg, Manitoba
Year Completed | 2013
The washroom structure consisting of retrofitted steel shipping containers founded on helical screw piles ensured the majority of fabrication was completed off site, increasing quality control while minimizing impact on a highly used site in this beautiful English garden style park.

Why not….
Wolfrom has been involved in many projects that reuse materials and assemblies, including shipping containers. Winnipeg is historically known as a transportation hub, located in the centre of North America and about as far away from a coastline as any major centre. So why not leave the empty containers here and turn them into something useful?
Photography: Lindsay Reid
Awards & Recognition
2014 AZ Awards People's Choice Award for Architecture
Commercial and Institutional Buildings (Under 1000 Square Meters)2014 Prairie Design Awards
Award of Excellence (Small Projects)