Winnipeg Folk Festival La Cuisine
Client | Monteyne Architecture Works
Location | Birds Hill Provincial Park, Manitoba
Year Completed | 2011
The reclaimed modular steel structure is home for the chefs that feed an army of volunteers during the annual Winnipeg Folk Festival. The building structure consists of various reclaimed sources; steel frames from a car parts warehouse intended for demoliton reconfigured and modified to suit new spans and bay spacing, reclaimed hydro poles framing the verandah space, and salvaged cold formed channels from an eclectic mixture of existing structures. Open web wood joist box beams hung between steel columns provide uniterrupted flow of people and wonderfully tasty smells, while acting as both wind girts and movable panel wall supports.

Food lovingly prepared by a dedicated team of volunteers always tastes amazing from this place.
In the winter, the building is fully closed and secure, with the tarp like facade hinting at warmer times to come.
All images © Monteyne Architecture Works except winter exterior image above by Lindsay Reid.
Awards & Recognition
2012 Prairie Design Awards
Award of Excellence2012 Prairie Wood Design Award
Municipal & Recreational Wood Design Award